Biographical dictionary of ancient Greeks - G

Create:2024.6.24, Update:2025.3.25

< Geryones >
1 Origin
Geryones was born in Tartessus on the Iberian Peninsula in 1320 BC.
Geryones is believed to have been a descendant of Maceris, who founded Heracleia (near present-day Algeciras) on the southern tip of the Iberian Peninsula and died there.

2 Family
Norax, son of Geryones' daughter Erytheia, emigrated to Sardinia and founded the oldest town, Nora (near present-day Pula cape), on the southern tip of the island.

3 Others
Geryones lived in Tartessus, centered on the Baetis (formerly Tartessus, now Guadalquivir) River, northwest of Heracleia on the Iberian Peninsula.
Gadeira (now Cadiz), near the mouth of the Baetis River, and the island opposite, were collectively called Erytheia, where Geryones kept cattle.

< Gorgophone, daughter of Perseus >
1 Origin
Gorgophone was born in Mycenae in 1324 BC.
Gorgophone's father was Perseus, son of Danae.

2 Family
Gorgophone married Perieres, son of Aeolus.
Perieres and Gorgophone had two sons, Aphareus and Leucippus.
Perieres and Gorgophone had a daughter, Deidamia (or Leucippe).
After Perieres' death, Gorgophone remarried Oebalus, son of Cynortas.
Oebalus and Gorgophone had a son, Tyndareus.
Oebalus and Gorgophone had a daughter, Arene.
Gorgophone is also thought to be the mother of Oebalus' son, Icarius.

< Gortys, son of Tegeates >
1 Origin
Gortys was born in Tegea, Arcadia, in 1467 BC.
Gortys' father was Tegeates, son of Lycaon. [Paus.8.53.2]

3 Others
In 1450 BC, Tegea suffered a serious food shortage, and the three sons of Tegeates, son of Lycaon, Cydon, Gortys, and Archedius, led the Arcadians to Crete. [Paus.8.53.4]
Gortys founded Gortyna in the center of Crete. [Paus.8.53.4]

< Ganymedes, son of Tros >
1 Origin
Ganymedes was born in Dardanus on the Troad in 1355 BC.
Ganymedes' father was Tros, son of Erichthonius. [Apo.3.12.2, Diod.4.75.3, Home.20.220, Suda.Iota.320, Photios.186.12]
Ganymedes' mother was Callirrhoe (or Kallirroe), daughter of Scamander. [Apo.3.12.2, Photios.186.12]

2 Others
Ganymedes is thought to have died in a battle with Tantalus.

< Grinus, son of Aesanius >
1 Origin
Grinus was born on the island of Thera in 690 BC.
Grinus' father was Aesanius, a descendant of Theras, son of Autesion. [Herod.4.149]

2 Others
Grinus was the ruler of the island of Thera. [Herod.4.150]

< Gorgophonus, son of Electryon >
1 Origin
Gorgophonus was born in 1310 BC in the land of the Ethiopians.
Gorgophonus' father was Electryon, son of Perseus. [Apo.2.4.5, TzeAdLyco.932]
Gorgophonus' mother is thought to have been Midea, a Phrygian. [See Celaeneus]

2 Others
In 1277 BC, Gorgophonus died fighting the Taphians, along with his father and brothers. [Apo.2.4.6].
However, one of his brothers, Celaeneus, and at least one other, were fighting against the Hittites in Asia Minor. [See Celaeneus]

< Glaucus, son of Antenor >
1 Origin
In 1245 BC, Glaucus was born in Dardanus on the Troad.
Glaucus' father was Antenor, son of Aesyetes. [Apo.E.5.21]

2 Other
In 1244 BC, Glaucus moved to Macedonia accompanied by his father. [Estimated from Strabo.7.8.2]
In 1188 BC, Glaucus and his brothers marched into the Troad and attacked and captured Ilium. [Estimated from Jerome Chro.1154]

< Glaucus, son of Hippolochus >
1 Origin
Glaucus was born in Lycia in 1210 BC.
Glaucus' father was Hippolochus, son of Bellerophontes. [Herod.1.147, Home.Il.7.8]

2 Others
Glaucus appears in the story of the Troy expedition. [Home.Il.7.8]
A descendant of Glaucus was chosen as king of the city of Ionia. [Herod.1.147]
This is probably because Nisus, father of Eurynome, mother of Glaucus' grandfather Bellerophontes, was the son of Pandion, the eighth king of Athens.

< Glaucus, son of Sisyphus >
1 Origin
Glaucus was born in 1280 BC at Isthmus in Corinth.
Glaucus' father was Sisyphus, son of Aeolus. [Apo.1.9.3]

2 Family
Glaucus married Eurynome (or Eurymede), daughter of Nisus. [Apo.1.9.3, Hesiod.CW.F7]
Glaucus and Eurynome had a son, Bellerophontes (or Hipponus, Bellerophon). [Tzetzes.7.810, Paus.2.4.3, Apo.1.9.3, Home.6.144]
Glaucus and Eurynome had a son, Deliades (or Piren, Alcimenes). [Apo.2.3.1]

3 Others
In 1245 BC, Glaucus died in an accident while taking part in a chariot race at the funeral games for Pelias held at Iolcus in Thessaly. [Hyginus.273]

< Glaucus, son of Minos >
1 Origin
Glaucus was born in Cnossus, Crete, in 1287 BC.
Glaucus' father was Minos, son of Lycastus. [Apo.3.1.2]

2 Others
There is a legend that Glaucus was resurrected by Polyidus, son of Coeranus, or Aesculapius. [Hyginus.136, HygAstro.2.14.7]
